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Get ready to tear down obstacles of the mind and body. When we are on path to creating well being for self we have to acknowledge the life challenges or traumas that keep us stuck in emotional conflict or emotional turmoil. When we acknowledge our feelings and our connection to presence, we have infinite power to take those feelings and build up to creating present well being. From here, we are able to tap into our own true potential. By recognizing and acknowledging our traumas, agreeing to face those traumas and work through them, we are able to take the next steps forward with a light mind of clarity in alignment for the visions, expectations, and actions needed to reach our highest potential.
“Happiness is something an individual creates for themselves, independent of outside circumstances.” — Cat Dancing
“Life happens, and what happens is something called change.”
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them — that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Lao Tzu
The 4 Truths
We all come from well being.
We all have connection; with others and with presence.
In the present moment we have Infinite Power. In this moment, anything is possible.
All feelings are good feelings.